
Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Mother in you

One of my friends recently had an experience that I thought was appropriate to share on this Mothers' Day.  The following is in her own words, with permission.

"My visiting teachers came over last night.  A comment was made that still has me thinking. 
"Basically one of my vt'ers was talking about being pregnant and creating life and the miracle of that and then having them and teaching and nuturing them and I'm sorry if this doesn't interest you because you aren't a mom and haven't had children. 
"I stopped her and said, "but I am a mother, I've never had a child of my own but I nuture and teach and mother other children, my siblings children and the youth through the church."
"She backed off and was worried that she had offended me.  I wasn't offended, I was just shocked that anyone would consider me less because I haven't had a child of my own.  I am not to be pitied because I'm single and don't have children, just like every other sister in the world, I'm to be included and loved because I am a daughter of god.  No more than you, no less than you."
And now it's back to me again.  I'm thrilled that my friend recognizes that her ability to fulfill her divine role as a nurturer does not depend on her marital status or whether she has borne or is raising children.
For more on this topic, check out Sister Dew's talk "Are we not all mothers?" from October 2001 General Conference.

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